1. Dynamic Maze Generation: We implemented an algorithm to generate a unique maze for each game session. This maze, constructed using Eller’s algorithm, includes complex paths and barriers, challenging players to navigate through its intricacies to find the exit but it's still in the works unfortunately.
  2. Character Control and Interaction: Players control a character we called "Human," maneuvering through the maze with the ability to move forward, backward, left, and right. The character's movements are linked to the arrow keys, and walking sounds accompany the movements to enrich the gameplay experience.
  3. Visuals and Textures: We applied various textures to create an immersive environment. The maze walls resemble leaf textures, complemented by a ground texture of grass and a sky dome above, enhancing the depth and realism of the 3D space. The character is also detailed with separate textures for each body part, including the face, arms, and legs.
  4. Lighting and Perspective: Our game features a dynamic lighting system that includes a spotlight and point light effects, which react to the character's movements and changes in the scene. Additionally, we provided camera controls that adjust the viewpoint based on the character's position and the scene's requirements.
  5. Progressive Gameplay Stages: The game progresses through different stages—starting with the character's drop into the maze, followed by the journey to the entrance, and culminating in the dramatic closing of the entrance. These stages are designed to enhance the narrative flow and build suspense.
  6. Audio Integration: We embedded background music and realistic sound effects like footsteps to create a more engaging player experience. The audio elements are carefully managed to ensure they play seamlessly throughout the game.
  7. Adaptive User Interface: We included a responsive game interface that adjusts the canvas size based on the browser window, ensuring optimal gameplay on various devices and screen sizes.
  8. Objective and Victory Condition: The game is designed with a clear objective: navigate through the maze to find the exit. Achieving this goal triggers a victory screen, rewarding the player and providing a satisfying conclusion to the challenge.

    Fate dolomite (p5js.org)

    Controls are arrow keys
    letter  p for screenshot 
    mouse click for pov of the world who knows it maybe a cube?
Published 21 days ago